Where do ants live?
Where do ants live? Ants live on every continent on earth with the exception of Antarctica. Ants make their nests in the ground and they will build very elaborate tunnels and chambers to house eggs, food and their young underground. The telltale sign of a small mound of earth with an opening at the top, known as an anthill, is very common in all areas around the globe. Not all ants make their nests in the earth. Carpenter ants, for example, will use wood such as fallen trees or old, abandoned logs. Most of the time ants prefer to be out in nature where they can have easy access to food and good places to build their nests. However, humans have encroached upon their territory so much, that human and ant interaction is inevitable. Ants have been known to build their nests in the cracks of pavement, within lawns, and right near or beside homes. Sometimes, while foraging for food, ants will find their way indoors and if they find a good source of food, they leave behind a trail whic...