8 Interesting Facts About Ants


There's more to these common pest than you might think.

Ants are very common almost anywhere you live (see Ant Fact #7), but certain species of ants  are truly unique and can provide  insight on a range of topics from social behavior to traffic patterns. Check out some of our interesting ant facts below. 

Fact #1: Colonies are bigger than the average ant farm.

Ant colonies come in literally all shapes and sizes. A few species live in colonies of only a few dozen ants; however, the average ant colony contains thousands of individual ants. Smaller colonies live in natural crevices or openings while larger colonies create vast nests and forage for supplies and food. There are also super colonies around the world that can contain more than 300 million individuals. These super colonies have been identified in Japan, Australia, the United States, and southern Europe.

Fact #2: Ants have specific jobs.

Ants are very social insects, and they divide jobs among different types of ants in each colony. The queen or queens have only one job - to lay eggs. All other female ants are workers; they feed the larvae, take out the colony's trash, forage for food and supplies, or defend the nest. Male ants' only job is to mate with the queen.

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